miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

May- 7th- Thursday.

VALUE:  I respect my family and friends.

IN CLASS: 22-23-24-25


ü We love it: school subjects, Days, Pets, free time, present simple for like, love, hate.
ü Delicious: Food, Grammar: countable and uncountable, a, an, some, any, how much/many? This, that, these, those.
ü  Routines: Time, daily routines, home chores, sports.
ü Grammar: Prepositions, adverbs of frequency.

ü Talk about school day, days of the week, describe pets, like and dislike.
ü Talk about foods and drinks, practice countable and uncountable nous with there is/are.
ü Use this, that, these, those.
ü Talk about your daily routines, practice chores, adverbs of frequency.

Seré el mejor estudiante en el 2 periodo, presentare todas mis actividades a tiempo.😄😄😄

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