VALUE: God is my best friend. 💗💙💚💛💜

- Celebrations
- Opposite and Numbers.
- Was- were and comparatives.
- Household items
- Past simple
- Parts of the body
- Places and Superlatives.
- To present and practice opposite adjectives, talk about celebrations and numbers 100-1.000.
- Talk about events in the past (was-were).
- Compare people and things, describe personality.
- Practice household items.
- To present parts of the body and talk abour future plans.
Goal: Practice opposite adjectives.OPPOSITE ADJECTIVES
Old New
Old Young
Big Small
Heavy Light
Comfortable Uncomfortable
Long Short
Interesting Boring
Cool Hot
Clean Dirty
Happy Sad/ Unhappy
Difficult Easy
Good Bad
Poor Rich
Day Night
White Black
Expensive Cheap
Examples: My grandpa is old.
Math is difficult.
In class: 78 (2).
Complete: Using the opposite adjectives.
1. Riohacha is______________
2. My house is ______________
3. A car is____________
4. The night is:_______________
5. I am ________________
HOMEWORK: Lee y realiza la pagina 79. 3 (a-b).
Realiza 79. 4 (b). Dibuja en cada linea una cara según su significado.
Pagina 79. punto 6(a), escucha el audio y enumera los cuadros, en el punto b lee y escribe los números.
Practice everyday.
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